I-st Moldo-British International Neurosurgical Symposium
- vizualizări: 148
It is our great pleasure to invite you on behalf of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Moldova to participate in the 1st Moldo-British Neurosurgical Symposium. It is going to be an important international event for Moldavian Neurosurgery, Spinal Surgery and Neurology, designed to meet the specific needs and interests of specialists from our region. We intend to gather the enthusiastic professionals prepared to interact and share their experience and ideas, debating current standards and exploring future needs. One of the main topics of the Symposium will be Spinal Neurosurgery, which is currently underdeveloped but rapidly growing in our country. We are proud to celebrate this year 60th Anniversary of Neurosurgery in Moldova and would very much appreciate your participation in this important for us meeting.
Yours faithfully,Professor Grigore ZapuhlihPresident Association of Neurosurgeons of Moldova
Marcel Ivanov MD, PhD, MSc, FRCSConsultant Neurosurgeon and Spinal Surgeon Honorary Senior Lecturer Sheffield University
_________________________Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,Leogrand Hotel & Convention CenterJune 13-16, 2013www.fmbns.mdPreluarea informației de pe site-ul USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu” poate fi efectuată doar cu indicarea obligatorie a sursei și a linkului direct accesat pe www.usmf.md.