Signing of collaboration agreement with Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center
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New prospects for cooperation for the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Latvia in conducting joint research, exchange of information, application to international, especially European projects, training of specialists and organization of scientific events. This became possible due to the collaboration agreement concluded between Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova and the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center from Riga, signed by Rector Emil Ceban on May 18, 2022, in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova.
In the opening of the ceremony, Professor Emil Ceban has mentioned that this partnership will contribute to the strengthening of the research capacities of Nicolae Testemitanu Univversity, but also to the training of local specialists, with a view to carrying out advanced research in biomedicine. In this regard, the Rector highlighted the fact that in the University's Development Strategy for the next 10 years several priorities had been set: internationalization, research and innovation and digitization. At the same time, the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (NIHMR) was created and will be developed with modern scientific laboratories specializing in molecular medicine, bioengineering, a biobank, which will require, first of all, the training of competent staff in these domains. "The agreement will provide the opportunity for young doctors and researchers to do internships in foreign biomedical research institutions, under collaboration agreements and international projects. Subsequently, they will implement the skills obtained in the local clinics and laboratories, thus contributing to the implementation of modern methods in the treatment of patients with various diseases and, respectively, to the development of medical science and the national health system. Such internships will be carried out in Romania, Latvia, Italy and Slovakia, the rector underlined.
The event was moderated by Vice-Rector for Research, Academician Stanislav Groppa, NIHMR Director, who noted that collaboration in the training of staff as regards the use of new technologies would be initiated in the near future. "Within the framework of the cross-border OBDIA-NET project implemented together with Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, we managed to acquire a sophisticated research system in the field of confocal microscopy, so that initially specialists will be trained in Romania, and later in Latvia. Projects proposed in competitions announced by the Council of Europe will also be launched. Other projects will be implemented under the partnership between the Republic of Moldova and Latvia", the academician reiterated. Students, scientific researchers and doctoral students will benefit from internships. The academician pointed out that at the end of May, a researcher from our university would go to Riga to attend a training course in the field of confocal microscopy at the Biomedical Research and Study Center.
In his online speech, Professor Nils Rostoks, Director of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center, stated that the signing of the agreement marked an important milestone for the two institutions, and especially for the two countries. "This agreement set the foundation for long-term collaboration in the field of biomedicine and biopharmacy. We will be able to invest in human resources and the efficient use of research infrastructure. After several years of cooperation, we will have the opportunity to submit proposals in the field of research and to participate in competitions at European level. I am honored and thank you for this special opportunity, "added the Latvian professor.
For his part, Dr. Rolands Lappuke, External Smart Technology Adviser to the President of Latvia, noted that “the support of the Latvian President, who recently visited the Republic of Moldova, covers not only Moldova's European path, but also the scientific cooperation. The President of Latvia supports the rapprochement between the scientific communities of our states. "
Professor Jānis Klovinš, Head of the Scientific Council of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center, emphasized the openness of the institution represented by him “to share experience, to initiate and carry out together scientific projects in the field of genome analysis, genetic research , but also of various diseases ”. The Latvian official believes that the Republic of Moldova will become a member of the European Union and that there will be more opportunities for new collaborations.
His Excellency Mr. Andrian Roșa, Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Republic of Latvia, said he was excited to participate in this soul project: “I am sure that a beautiful collaboration and friendship between our countries will follow and I am waiting for the first results of this cooperation. Scientific diplomacy is something tangible and important that I want to promote and I want everyone to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity", stressed the Moldovan diplomat.
In the opinion of H.E. Mr. Uldis Mikuts, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Moldova, this Agreement will serve as an excellent framework for deepening and expanding the cooperation of the two countries in the fields of scientific research, information exchange, funding, training as well as the joint organization of scientific events. "I am glad that the medical specialists in my country are ready to share their experience with colleagues from Moldova in the field of biobank, medical research, infrastructure and research management," said the Latvian diplomat.
Subsequently, the signed agreements will be sent to the parties through the diplomatic service. The bilateral cooperation agreement was signed for a period of 5 years, with the possibility of further extension.
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